What is humane? Do you really think you have an answer? It’s nonsense. It’s a made up, feel good word. There is no such thing as humane. As long as humans roam and conquer, humane is only an abstract thought. Is it humane to let suffering, dying people die with dignity? I would think so. Is it humane to keep a disease from someone’s knowledge? They die without knowing that they are, but you do know it? I find that sickening, yet other cultures believe it normal. What am I talking about, I don’t have culture. Is eating meat humane? Is overpopulating a planet, or building a bunch of shit just to throw away in a few years? Is destroying the earth humane? Letting a dog pass in your home, by that dog’s loved ones, that is the most humane and possibly only humane thing I have ever known. All this talk about progress. America has over a half a million homeless people. And what do homed people spend their money on? Who the fuck knows. We throw out forty percent of food, have millions of hotel rooms and buildings which lay empty, and then we also send barely out of high schoolers to shoot people overseas. How in the fuck is that humane? Yes, there are a lot of questions, but really, do you think you have the answers? Doubt it. These questions beg and need asking. What about just how we live in general, here in America? Fossil run vehicles, righteous individualism that borders on ignorance. Is it humane to allow such an ignorant fucking society to exist? Teach a man to fish comes to mind. Well, what if some asshole pays a few, really good fishermen to catch ALL THE GODDAMN FISH? And then you throw a line out and catch nothing and they call it FAIR. I don’t think so. Is any amount of pain humane to allow? To give out, to provide? Is hurting someone’s feelings okay? Murder certainly is NOT. Where is the line, with this horseshit word. Yes, it’s made up, but that saying is stupid. Because, every single word is. Made. Up. Is fairness a part of this idea? Is it more acceptable to let someone die just because their remaining years will suck? Who knows, I think it’s probably up to them and only up to them. What’s definitely not humane is forcing any other person than yourself to do something with their body that only affects them. And if you’re reading this and you’re into forcing people do something they don’t want, well, fuck you. You are not humane.
Is travel even considered humane? Sometimes it seems like Neo-colonialism. Well the first sort surely wasn’t, so is this much better? Well at least there’s not slavery. But there still is. In a lot of places. Like your damn phone, with all its fancy electronics and precious metals. Yeah, slaves built the thing you’re holding in your hand. Is it humane to have one at all? Can you truly say yes? And what if you do agree, that it’s not humane, that slavery in any and every form is awful and we demand to remove it. But it still exists, and your phone, it exists and it’s not going away. Is it humane to keep it? To know and just be aware, and leave it at that? Who is going to China and Taiwan and wherever else to battle this? We know the answer. The pyramids of Giza, slavery. They are a marvel of human, something. Ingenuity, certainly, but what about the back breaking work involved? These are monuments, relics of force and torture. Yet signify to the world beauty and wonder. That itself is a fucking wonder. I’m not clearing anything up for myself and probably not for the three people who ever read this until those extraterrestrials come in and scan everything (a reference to my first blog post). Anyway, good luck with this twister and cheers to something, certainly not humanity.